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Cette sélection de photos sont des figurines qui ne rentrent pas facilement dans d'autres catégories, et d'autres objets 1/6 qui ne sont pas des figurines...

A Supermarionation style videophone unit - from scratch

A simple diorama base of a section of road. Made from Foamex PVC boards, textured spray paint and some bits n bobs

This is the Big Chief Studios "Sherlock" 221B Baker Street front door diorama/display stand. Rather than cast in lighter resin this is a massive lump of polystone. Very well made, very heavy, very big.

The railings are a lovely touch

Door knocker works

Buzzers and working letterbox

The upper window can be illuminated for a nice effect

The door with an appropriate figure for scale

Jamie Bates Newberry version of the TARDIS - a laser cut MDF kit

Unbranded solid PVC and plastic foodstuffs... beautifully made and very useful.

Food made by me from polymer clay you harden in an oven. I'm really quite proud of these :)

A hovering robot loosely based on a type typical of Star Trek the original series. Made from EMA hemispheres and Japanese Gundam/mecha detail parts.

A generic setting for SF from the 80s onwards

The TARDIS lurking...

Made from PVC board (for signs) with detailing done with junk items. Only item specifically bought was the large vent.

Resin 1/6 scale sonic screwdriver and 1970s style TARDIS key made from thin plastic card

This was made from plans I found on the web, scaled them down to 1/6 and built it from plastic card. I would have liked to have lit the screen but it was too much hassle. It is fairly robust as a static display model.

These were everywhere in Star Trek, and in a variety of versions. I built this from scale plans on the web, scaled down to 1/6

I inserted LED strip inside it for an illumination option.

A vacformed diorama display stand for 1/6 figures, repainted and weathered. Manufacturer unknown.

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